Tel: 020 88 1973 81
Mob/SMS: 07912615400
Fax: 0871 900 3682


About our workshops

The pivotal idea around which all of our workshops are based is "Sustainability through adaptability"

Team Building

Purpose: To enable individuals to self-organise into effective teams.

Suitable for: Anyone role where the ability to cooperate will ikmprove collective performance. 

Includes: Teams versus Groups, Transferable team skills, Resilience in teams, the differences between contrived, constructed and emergent teams. The bottom line.

Emotion Management 

Purpose: To empower individuals to chose to feel those feelings that are most empowering in the situation. 

Suitable for: All

Includes: The Power of Words, Listening Habits, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Persuasive language, cooperative language, Emotive Language, Self-talk, Understanding Ambiguity. Techniques for feeling good. Techniques for snapping out of negative states.  Comfort Zone management. The bottom line.

Effective Communication

Purpose: To enable ikndividuals and groups to decide the best communication strategy to suit the purpose of the intended communicaion.

Suitable for: All, but particularly those who want or need to inform, entertain, persuade or inspire.

Includes: Types of communication, culture and communication, Verbal. Non-verbal. the purposes of communication; inform, persuade, entertain or inspire. The bottom line.

Creativity Workshop

Purpose: To empower individuals to devise novel combinations or strategies to solve problems with emphasis on increased productivity and/or effectiveness.

Suitable for: Those involved with innovation and problem-solving.

Includes: The value of Creativity, the disadvantages of creativity, creative strategies, creative mindsets, creative emotional states, creative cultures, creative teams. The bottom line.

Managing Relationships

Purpose: To enable individuals and groups to maximise the effectiveness of their relationships with others.

Suitable for: All.

Includes: Spontaneous R, Contrived R, Trade R, Bonding and R, R in teams, R at work, Power R, barriers to constructive R, Empowering R, disempowering R. The bottom line.

Resilience Building

Purpose: To distinguish between resilience and coping and to equip delegates with an arsenal of tools to develop resilience.

Suitable for: Anyone who considers 'setbacks' as disempowering.

Includes: Understanding resislience and its importance, Factors that affect resilience, techniques for building resilience, resilience building organisationals cultures. The bottom Line.

Habit Management

Purpose: To enable delegates to choose and actively instill empowering habits and to elliminate disempowering habits.

Suitable for: All.

Includes: The power of habits. Empowering versus disempowering habits. The process of habit formation. The relationship between habits and competence. Techniques for making and breaking habits. Comfort zone management. The bottom Line.

Tel: 020 88 1973 81         Mob/SMS: 07912615400            Fax: 0871 900 3682

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